

ABN: 45 661 782 145
Lic: BLD278869
M: 0415605744
Director: Ali Reza Khawari

Quote Number QUO-607
Quote Date November 28, 2023
Total $11,550.00
Thomas Fox

14 Ethel St, Forestville, 5035


Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Woodworks painting

1- 5 internal doors, 6 windows both sides, 4 glass doors and architraves both sides.
2- Preparation: light sanding, primer and stain blocker, gap filling.
3- Apply 2 coats of DULUX aqua enamel paint semi gloss.

1 Fire place painting

1- Sanding and apply primer.
2- Apply 2 coats of DULUX aqua enamel paint semi gloss.

1 External painting front house

1- Painting all wooden frames, brick walls, rendered wall, gable and facias, gutter, eaves, windows and doors.
- All surfaces painted 2 coats of DULUX weather shield paint.
2- Painted porch floor 2 coats of Berger Jet dry paint.

Sub Total $10,500.00
Tax $1,050.00
Total $11,550.00