

ABN: 45 661 782 145
Lic: BLD278869
M: 0415605744
Director: Ali Reza Khawari

Quote Number QUO-617
Quote Date January 7, 2024
Total $21,450.00
James Olavesen

28 Braemer Rd Torrens Park SA


Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 External Painting work

1- Painting all green timbers, widows, down pipes, gutters, door frames and porch ceiling 2 coats of DULUX weather shield.
2- Preparation: replace 1M the timber's facia and eave sheet, replace the mould under the gutter of upper level back side, replace few small timbers front side, cut and repair damage joints, remove loose/peels paint, apply patty around damage widows.
3- Painting timbers around the garage.
4- Supply scaffolding

1 Exterior painting

1- Painting back side and replace 1M the timber's facia and eave sheet, replace the mould under the gutter of upper level back side and windows, frame.
2- Painting front and porch, replace and repair some woods and windows, frame.
3- Painting left side and repair some woods.
4- Painting right side and repair some woods and painting windows.
5- Painting timbers around the garage.

Total cost: 21,500.00

Sub Total $19,500.00
Tax $1,950.00
Total $21,450.00